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What People Are Saying

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This page is for all the couples who have completed the Thriving Relationships Workshops, with some choosing to share their testimonials.​​​​

Ram & NishaFall 2023 Participants, Thriving Relationships Audio Testimonials
00:00 / 01:58
Onyie Fall 2023 Participants, Thriving Relationships Audio Testimonials
00:00 / 03:26
What People Are Saying

I want to express my appreciation to TMA for the positive impact their sessions have had on my marriage. I have been married for 8 years, and I had reached a point where I was not fully enjoying the purpose of marriage.

Firstly, everything discussed is highly confidential because it is strictly between you and your spouse. There is no third-party intervention unless requested. Additionally, the topics covered provide a neutral ground for partners to engage and discuss even the smallest details that couples often overlook.

TMA allows you to see that you are not alone and that there are others in similar situations. If permitted by couples, TMA provides an opportunity to share information on how to help or benefit from those who have been in similar situations.

The TMA manual used during the session is REMARKABLE. It is very detailed, well-articulated, and a helpful resource. Couples can even refer to the manual at later times to see where they stand in their journey.

Lastly, I would like to mention that TMA is worth trying because, even if one of the spouses isn't initially interested, I assure you that after the first class, that spouse will be engaged in the session. It is well-designed and well-planned. They even provide childcare during the sessions, so the couple can focus on each other.

If you believe marriage is meant to be enjoyed, then I encourage you to try TMA."

Seyi & Tolu : Spring 2024 Participants

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