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 Marriage Resources

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This section is for couples who have been married for a week, a decade, or for most of your life.


Some of the patterns for a healthy marriage (e.g., listening and taking interest in the other person) typically starts in the dating stage, and during the engagement period, however some of the positive patterns of behaviour or habits may be lost in marriage and some of the negative patterns and behaviours accentuated.


Whatever stage you are in, or whatever your experience is to date, there is always room for growth, and we are glad you are here.  We want to meet you where you are and help you take the next steps to developing healthy habits and behaviours in your relationship.

Given that no two marriages are alike, we have general resources as well as topical resources to help meet you where you are and guide you in what you need.

TMA will be putting out marriage resources every two weeks, if there’s a particular topic you would like resources on, please let us know. Use the Contact Us button to let us know. 

Below is a link you can use to get some marriage resources


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Click link for Contact

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